Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Running Tip

When running, try not to swing your arms too much. If you swing them, make sure to keep them low. Swinging your arms up above your heart requires your heart to pump that much harder and this will effect your endurance!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Low-Down on Bread

Scroll down the page to the Bread Myths video! This is trainer Kim Lyons, one of my favorite trainers!

Kim's Blog

Monday, January 10, 2011

Low on Energy?

Sometimes we just feel "zapped". It is hard to get things accomplished (especially our workouts) when we just don't feel like we have the energy.

The obvious solution is get more sleep! You should have 7-9 hours of sleep a night. If you have time, try to fit in a 20 minute power nap in your day.

While it is important to get our sleep, this may not always be the answer to feeling "drained". Kim Lyons (one of my favorite trainers) points out 3 reasons, other than lack of sleep, that can make you feel like your energy is low:

  • You may have an iron deficiency. If this is the case, eat more things like dark, leafy greens, beans, red meat, and even egg yolk. A simple indicator of if you have an iron deficiency is to gently pull back your eyelid and look at the inside part. If it is pale, you probably are not getting enough iron!

  • You may be dehydrated. Drink up! If you are thirsty, you are not drinking enough. Drink before you get thirsty!

  • You may have an intolerance to certain foods. Take note of how your body reacts to certain foods. If you don't do well with a food, low energy can be a side effect.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Extra Desserts Gum

I've been seeing commercials for the dessert flavors of Extra gum. I decided to give it a try.... YUM! The Strawberry Shortcake one is pretty good. I have not tried the Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream one yet. The Key Lime Pie....Delish!!! That one is my favorite!

When you have a craving for sweets, reach for this gum instead. It will satisfy your craving at only 5 calories.... sure beats having the real thing for a few hundred calories plus the guilt! :)

(Please remember, however, that it is OK to splurge on the real thing once in a while!)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Holiday Parties Without Packing On the Pounds!

Ok, so I know it has been forever since I posted..... SORRY! I have been super busy the second half of 2010. I was recovering from a knee injury, busy at work and church, my dad was even in the hospital for a bit. Anyway, I am back at it and will try to do better! :)

Here are my top 3 tips for surviving holiday parties:

  • Do not graze! All those bite-sized foods add up quick in calories. Instead of grazing, use a plate so you can visually know just how much you are eating.

  • Drink plenty of water! Before you go to a party, make sure to drink a large glass of water. Continue to drink water throughout the party. This will make you feel fuller and you will end up eating less.

  • Wear fitting clothes! If you are wearing clothes that fit just right and do not expand, you will eat less while you are wearing them.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thigh and Butt Jiggle

Unfortunately, saddle bags have a lot to do with genetics. However, we can try to combat it with a few key exercises.

One of the best ways to trim down is running, (Christine, you already got that down!) but there are some exercises that will help you in your efforts.

  • In the middle of your run, do a few intervals of side-to-side shuffles.

  • Believe it or not, mat-work from the 80's really does work, and it works well!! Lay on your side and do leg lifts with your top leg. Then, cross your top leg over and put your foot flat on the ground. Do leg lifts with your bottom leg to work the inner thigh. Switch sides and repeat. Do 3 sets of 20-25 of each move. This exercise is better than the gym equipment that works inner and outer thighs. That equipment has weights loaded on, which will cause you to build muscle. You don't want to build muscle here!!! Instead, you want to tone it and that is what this mat-work will do.

  • One great move that will hit the butt and the saddle bags is a roundhouse kick on all fours. Get on the floor on all fours and lift your right leg to the side while maintaining a 90 degree angle in the knee. Lift until it is parallel to the ground. (squeeze butt throughout the move) Extend the knee, hold for a count, the reverse the move until you are back to the start. Complete your set, then switch legs and repeat. Do 3 sets of 20-25 on each leg.

  • Donkey kicks are another great move. These will target your butt. Get on the floor on all fours. bring your right knee in to your chest and then extend the leg back while squeezing your butt until your leg is parallel to the floor. Repeat this move to complete the set and then switch legs. Do 3 sets of 20-25 on each leg.

  • Lunges are great!! I like to do what is called a floating lunge. This will sneak in a core workout to help with your balance! Stand with feel shoulder width apart. step your right leg forward and lunge until your left knee is almost to the ground. (*Make sure your right knee is directly over your right ankle/heel) As you come back up push off that right heel and pause for a count standing upright, but with your right foot off the ground, then go into a back lunge by stepping that right foot back. Lunge until your right knee is almost touching the ground and left knee is directly over the ankle. Continue going forward and backward with your right leg (left foot never leaving) and keeping the right foot off the ground in between. Switch and repeat with the left leg. Do 3 sets of 20-25 on each leg.

  • To tone where your butt and thighs meet (as well as lower back), do supermans! Lay on the floor on your stomach. Point your toes and extend your arms (like superman, hence the name). Lift your chest off the ground while also lifting your thighs off the ground (squeeze that butt) Return to the start to complete one rep. Do 3 sets of 20-25.

  • My favorite, Kickboxing!! Kickboxing is a great all-over toner!

Try these moves and let me know if you need more!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Does anybody have any requests of something they want me to talk about? Maybe questions about workouts, different foods, or even advice on how to achieve a particular goal? Leave a comment!